To post manual transactions you go to Accounts/GL Transactions/Transaction and a screen will appear as follows.
Use the first tab to add transactions, the second tab to view the existing GL accounts in the system and the third tab to view the transactions that have been posted on the selected account on the View Tab..
How to add transactions
To add manual transactions click on the Add Transaction tab to view the following window:
Date: Enter the actual date of the transaction e.g., "01/01/2023".
Voucher: Enter the voucher number, "0021".
Account: Select from the drop down box the account for which a transaction is to be made, e.g,. "530000" meant for "Office costs".
You can also be able to select an account by clicking on the "View Accounts" tab and then clicking on the account that you want in the list that is displayed.
Cheque transaction: If you want to enter ‘manual’ cheque transactions, you need to have properly configured your bank accounts. The options ‘Cheque Transaction’ and ‘Cheque No’ are only activated when one selects a GL account that is linked to a bank account. However adding a new account in the chart of accounts called ‘Bank Account’ will not cut it. Loan Performer would not know this is a bank account. To configure bank accounts, go to System/Configurations /Bank Accounts and enter the bank account.
Cheque number: If you want to enter ‘manual’ cheque transactions, you need to have properly configured your bank accounts. The options ‘Cheque Transaction’ and ‘Cheque No’ are only activated when one selects a GL account that is linked to a bank account.
Above is the window showing that the option for posting cheque transaction is deactivated if no bank accounts have been defined.
Note that: Manually entered Cheque Transactions are automatically cleared. You do not have to go to through the Cheque Clearing.
Pay\receive in local currency: This option allows the user to transact in different currencies even when the General ledger accounts of the transactions are not of the same currency. When ticked the transaction will be in local currency
Description: A description of the transaction has to be made here, e.g., "Payments of Rent ".
Debit: Enter the Amount of money that is to be debited, e.g., "500,000".
Automatic Posting: This field can only be used if accounts were set at System/Configuration/Automatic Posting of GL Transactions. It helps in speeding up the work of entering debit and credit entries for transactions that occur many times and are well known, e.g., "payment of rent", "salaries", "income from investments" etc.
Branch: Select a branch for which you want to make bookings, e.g, "HO".
Cost Centre: Select from the drop down box the cost center to which the transaction entered is to be allocated, e.g., "Administration".
Product: Select from the drop down box the actual product to which the transaction is to be allocated, e.g., "General"..
Donor: From the drop down box, select the fund from to which the transaction is to be made, e.g., "Internal Funding".
Click on the Add button to add the transaction to the scroll space.
Double entry account: Select the account to which you want to book the corresponding double entry, "127010".
Note that you can restrict users to only one double entry account and then this field will appear as read only. The user is not allowed to change it. This restriction should be made at System->Configuration->Accounting->Accounts Settings.
Balance Booking: After you have entered all the transactions click on the Balance Booking button to balance off the transactions in the selected double entry account.
Click on the Save button to save the bookings but you have to ensure that the Total debits equal to the Total Credits.
Cross currency transactions:
LPF also allows the following under the Pay\receive in local currency feature:
A user can transact having both GLs in the same currency just like the normal expense cash transactions in loan performer.
A user can transact having both GLs in the same foreign currency.
A user can transact having one GL in local currency and the other in foreign currency.
A receipt will also be generated in the transaction currency.
A user can also import GL transactions in both local and foreign currency. (Bug IDs 50912)
Scenario of different currency GLs
A salary payment to Eria Paulo of 4000 dollars whose GL account (540013) is in foreign currency and the money is drawn from a cash account whose GL (127010) is in local currency (Shillings).The system will do the necessary conversion and posting.
Two accounts of different currencies (127010 and 540013) are involved in one transaction as indicated by the above validation message.
When it is a cross currency transaction, the receipt is generated in the transaction currency (Paid\received in) in this case it was in Dollars as seen below:
The expense account is debited with the amount while the cash account is credited with an equivalent in local currency as seen below: